Ward & Lawless LLC, Logo
(888) 658-8484

Campaign Contributions:  PAC, Corporate and Individual

  • Provide filing calendars and send notices for the jurisdictions in which filings are required.
  • Conduct compliance reviews and make recommendations.
  • Compile back-up files of documents required for record retention purposes.

Full Service PAC Administration, Accounting and Reporting:

  • We can provide as much or as little daily administrative help as you need including, but not limited to, database management, lock-box services and/or processing of contributions received, check printing, and bank account reconciliations.
  • Draft federal, state and local PAC disclosure filings, or review and proof those that you have prepared.
  • Remind and review election-related IRS filings required of 527 organizations.
  • Support for your solicitation campaigns:  review marketing plans, create communications and forms, run periodic participation reports, match receipts against pledges, work directly with your human resources and payroll deparmtents to ensure accurate processing of pledges, manage non-profit "PAC-match" programs.

Corporate and/or Individual Contributions:

  • Provide database management for company pre-approval policies and review requests against prior contributions made and jurisdictional limits.
  • Maintain individual giving histories -- invaluable to an executive that needs to keep an eye on his or her personal contribution limits.
  • Draft corporate and/or individual campaign finance filings when and where required.